it's starting to peak; i woke up

Feeling: happy
This time, it doesn't feel like I'm running on the shore separating the sands from not liking her and the seas of liking her; it feels like I just ran from the shore into the sea. I felt it last night when Sean was driving us home: I was wearing her pink peacoat, she was wearing my green Gap sweater and my arm was around her- every time that her head met my arm out of an endearing move in which seemed like that was her way of acknowledging my arm, my heart skipped. I just hope I don't come out of the ocean anytime soon, complaining that the water is too cold.
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Well, shucks that's mighty cute.
the cram session was a tad intense. i believe my fondest memory of the night was my cell phone interupting the lecture with "Let's get it on"
garrett I love you.
tterrag, I'm sorry if I came off as belligerent yesterday. 'twas not my intention at all.
and my point with THAT was that the Japanese should not be seen as "innocent."
I'm not at all saying that killing is EVER justified- but I'm just pointing out that the Japanese civilians were not the ONLY ones who died.
You really do need to update.
oh it's okay garrett, I've only come to the conclusion that i don't see the point of posting on the www anymore. and least i don't think i will...
damn, that was from me
<3 chelsea
me as in chelsea