Cost Of War

----Earlier entry for today is on section below.---- A word about my new ""WAR"" counter.... "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed." President Dwight D. Eisenhower April 16, 1953 Look at all these thing we could do with the money that this ""WAR"" is costing us.... ----------------------------------- Pre-School -9,069,302 additional children could attend a year of Head Start ----------------------------------- Kids Health -27,495,598 additional children could be provided with a year of health care ----------------------------------- Public Education -1,221,852 additional school teachers could be hired for one year ----------------------------------- College Scholarships -1,627,072 additional four-year scholarships at public universities ------------------------------------ Public Housing -916,391 additional affordable housing units could be built ...................HIDDEN CHILD................ This is what writing to the President gets you...... Auto response from the whitehouse Thank you for e-mailing President Bush. Your ideas and comments are very important to him. Because of the large volume of e-mail received, the President cannot personally respond to each message. However, the White House staff considers and reports citizen ideas and concerns. In addition to, we have developed White House Web Mail, an automated e-mail response system. Please access to submit comments on a specific issue. Additionally, we welcome you to visit our website for the most up-to-date information on current events and topics of interest to you.

Read 7 comments
i like the legalize pictures.... naproxenslut has one (counter) as well...
im speechless...
i cant believe all that could be done with the money that is spent in war... its just wow
i like that song from system of a down, the one called "boom", its awesome
hey! by the way... does ur counter ever stop addin numbers? lol... just wonderin *kisses*
holy fuck.... you can IM the whitehouse?
you know whats funny? is that if we weren't fighting this war all of those things wouldn't even matter cuz we could all be dead. did you ever think about how war is fighting against someone or something that wants us dead? our first priority is life itself, then next comes bettering lives with things like healthcare and such, cuz you cant give healthcare to people who are already dead...