Hey I haven't written in a while but anyway. So Dave is getting married March 19. I'm buying his soon-to-be wife a bouquet of flowers to hold, and I'm helping him out with a few bills he has. I'm a good sister I think. I mean I know how bad it sucks to not have anyone happy for you, or behind you on what to you is one of the best days of your life. A day you will remember forever. NUFF SAID. Anyway I got my new computer. It's sweet. It's got almost 45 gb's. or ghz whatevers better,,,lol I forget I just know I love it. I have to get my phone turned back on so that I can use the internet at home instead of here at my moms. Not sure what I'm doing tonight Meg said something about drinkin at Tara's. But i have no clue what is going on. Awell, I find out later I suppose. Maybe I'll go home and smoke some pot or something. I'm so freckin bored. I guess I'll go take a shower, wax and all that. Well I see ya'll later. Sorry that entry was boring I'm not in the mood to be discriptive right now. ...................HIDDEN CHILD................
Listening to: Darkness Falls, bleh no idea why.
Feeling: deficient
Hey Mel now I'm old. You're brother is 19 and getting married. WOW. Well congrads on that. And Woo hoo on getting a new computer. I'm suppose to be getting a new one soon as well, God I hope soon.