2 little girls at walmart

Listening to: emma-alkaline trio
Feeling: asleep


I am so fucking tired. My boobs kills with pain today. I got this fucking cough from stopping smoking and I read somewhere that coughing can cause miscarriages so I'm all fucking paranoid. Bleh.. Weird thing. I saw these two little girls at walmart and they were so friendly so nice. They were sisters they told me that I was part of their spirtitual family, and that they felt tired and wanted to sit down. It was like 1:30 in the morning, and they looked baout 10 years old. They told me that they liked earings and each of them had about 11 pairs.....so cute. Any way my point......the one little girl told me that I was going to have a girl....odd that seemed to me since I didn't tell them I was pregnant and really don't look pregnant yet. Weirdnessssss... ................HIDDENCHILD....................

Read 7 comments
That is weird
damn the man is right... i really like your diary. Youre going to have a girl. Ive never guessed wrong.
Mel.. Sorry. I didn't mean any disrepect towards Blue. Just going through the memories that's all, and I am glad to hear he's doing good. He's a good guy. Peace.
good luck.
Nope, I didn't take a test but I have been feeling strange recently. Now the pain. I'm going to get one this weekend when I can bum some $$ off my mom. I don't know what to do with myself. I'll let you know if anything happens...
Love ya,
Good luck with the pregnancy thing :-)
wow...weird vibes man.
than again, everything like that you experience can be drawn up to conclude that it's a sign from fate or something.
maybe you are in their spiritual family.
just don't sign anything if they ask.
6.9 weeks.
my, i can't even imagine.
rock on my lil prego mom to be...
and umm..maybe tylenol could help your breastes pain.