It's hot..really fucking hot!

Feeling: abnormal
Damn that song is Abby's mood when she found out Nate was cheating on her! She yelled at him of course. And now I gotta roll and see if she finds him before Naomi does, and since I only have 5 dice and I have to get a higher then a six each time..and then get a cummulative above 16..I think poor Abby is screwed. Sigh. Ken says that it doesn't matter, that I should just play Abby with him later on if it doesn't work out, and I just don't know. Abby will be so emotionally damaged by then. BUT then again the true end to the story is Nate is supposed to loose his memory...maybe there is a chance! Emily is pregnant (we both rolled under a there we go with that..) which makes it WAY soon after she lost the twins to get pregnant which is going to make for good drama for the Ems and Uriel! It's horrible that my characters have better and more interesting lives then I do, but then again I spend so much time making them interesting and better I don't have time for mine. And I brought back Lilah-Barret, a character that actually has NOTHING To do with one of Nate's..he was proud. So was I. Some real world news though. It's FUCKING HOT HERE! I mean..mother fucking hot! HOT HOT HOT! As in sweating all the god damn time and I had to be in the concession stand today with Emil and sell shit to people at baseball games! MOTHER FUCK THAT SUCKED! The boys have been in the pool more this summer so far then they were all last summer with the rain and all the cold shit. I miss the cold shit. Because I enjoy the cold shit! I wanna go back to fall and winter!!! Please?!?! Can we go back to that now?! Soon there shall be least as soon as mom calls the phone company and makes sure that the bill is all paid up and then I am all set! No more sharing and all that! I won't even have to share that for awhile because Beck still wants to use the AOL shit. That rocks! And maybe there will be a dog here soon too, and that could seriously fucking rock! Jakey won his last game, we have another one on Friday, Zac won his and he has a bunch of ones coming up, he is so hard to keep track of and all that. If it's as hot as it was here today on Friday, we are gonna have to take a cooler full of water and ice and all that good stuff or our kids are going to fucking FRY out there on the field. Specially poor Stryker there behind the plate. I'm sick, and it really sucks because it sucks to be sick in the summer. My noise is dripping and I am coughing up yellowish/green stuff, which I am all sure you are happy you got to know! I'm really tired though, because I took some meds so I think I might have to head off to bed here pretty soon. I am however supposed to be heading up towards Ken's place this weekened to annoy him and all the other boys with my no rping antics..I'm just going up there to enjoy the AC and the X-Box....they might actually be catching on to me! And just to show's now 4:42 here and I checked the and this is how hot it is already. And there is no fucking sun out yet. Image hosted by
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Lmao soz darl....but i had to laugh....72 degrees is what it gets to here in winter...somtime about 75 and its

Hey no worries! Can't all live in the same sorta temperature only problem really was it was 72 and it wasn't even LIGHT outside yet!
Good I hope you burn! And you're right I am Ren, So what! Ain't nothing you can do about it! All you had to do was ask.