Useless love

Listening to: Until Sundown
Feeling: nothing
I knew he was going to ignore me..I noticed it from the way he walked into the party and barely looked at me..for the way he tried to avoid my looks the whole night..for his weak kiss.. I wonder why do all of my sad and depressing moments have to do with men.!? The only good thing they bring me is inspiration .. I was trying to ingore his existance..but I just couldn´t! I kept looking and staring..and I knew he noticed..but I acted like I was having the best time of my life..even though it was the most borring surprise party I´ve ever been to.. I can handle hiding my pain and my tears behind a big smile..but what I can´t handle is coming back home and waiting for his call..waiting for him to e-mail me or something even just to say hi..I can´t hold tears at 3:00 a.m. while I think of him and the way he doesn´t care at all that I´m hurt..that every tear I´ve wasted has been for him. So hurted...............
Read 6 comments
wow. i hope u start feeling better. :P u should get a cookie. cookies always cheer ppl up. lol. :D
ooo ok. forge the cookies then. wouldnt want u 2 b poisoned. and u should hurt urself over 1 thing that happened cuz u will regret it in the future. plus, wat would that accomplish anyway? then u would b sad AND hurt. 1 is bad enuf i think. :P
lol yea np. :D
Secrets sometimes seem trivial when the person is the person who knows you the best. Or they sometimes seem trivial when you've finished school and keeping secrets is on the same level as a game of chasy in the school grounds when you were in primary school. Something similar perhaps?
LMAO! Damn, I woulda just started bust out laughing lol!!!
In response to your journal, yeah sometimes humans can act weird lol! I don't know about that guy you're talking about...I say you forget about him though, as much as it'll hurt. It'll hurt at first, but then it won't. You don't wanna be with a jack-a for the your whole life do you? Or have him use you for his pleasure and then just throw you away, I don't know, stuff like that will only bring you pain man, I hope my comment makes you feel better