Listening to: Kissing you
Feeling: overloaded
tODAY was pretty weird..i´m kind of mad..
Sometimes getting along with your friend´s boyfriend may be pretty bad..tonight we went to japanese restaurant and i was playing and fooling around with arthur...(my friends boyfriend) and she kind-a got jelous oor somn!!! AND SHE CALLED MY BOY AND TOLD HIM I WAS FLIRTING AND BOTHERING HER BOY!! WTF!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!! i got sooooooo pissed oooofff! no..IM STILL MAD! wth!!! aaaaaaaaaaahghghghgg & he hasnt called me!! its 1:16!!! i´m soooooooo angryyy!!!! i wished he lived here so i could come around and #$$)!$!)? aaaaaaaa!! i really sad too cause i´m not seeing him till august...:( im mad...AAAAAGHH WTF!...
okei bye..