I won't Talk

My mood is offended because I have offended myself. I dont even know if that makes sense, but i feel really horrible about how ive been treating laura lately. I shouldnt of put in my opinion because its none of my business..I guess that I was just trying to look out for her. But Laura you're your own person and I am sorry for trying to presude you to do anything at all. Jamie said I was specialer :-D Casey comitted suicide yesterday after school. That is such a horrible thing to do. I almost started to Cry in world history today, and I didnt even know him that well. He was in my English Class. Its hard to remember him. God Bless his Family. Oh, yeah...grades....woot? woot? I had this very thought out entry, but it wouldnt save. :( xoxo kate
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i love you katie just to let you know once again and don't offend yourself silly :)
Hey babe don't worry about it. I've fucked things up and all that shit and you're just looking out for me. But thank you for respecting me or giving what little respect you can muster up for me since I'm nothing but a slut hoe who cares about herself. Regardless what you think I love you and am always here for you and I'm sorry that I haven't been treating you like a best friend should! I love you! xoxo!
