WOW! How things change...

Well, I just updated my diary for the first time in months (I hate being a male and using the word diary...plays with the insecurities a little!) anyways, I took the time to read all of my previous entries and it is so amazing to think of how quickly things change in my life, it has always been this way though. This is just the first change that I have been overly happy with! It is almost disturbing, but I know I am doing right by myself. I love to will forever be my "beach" my hidden paradise, I can escape within myself sometimes and I think that is a very powerful tool, especially considering my past and the type of person I used to be. It is almost frightening now how happy I can be on a daily basis. I still have my times, and shards of glass from things left unattended in my past will always poke through from time to time. I have made more than my share of mistakes with my life, and with other peoples' lives too. But we all bleed the same. Forgiveness isn't cheap, and regret is always free! Bad days will always be there, but more reason to enjoy the good ones! I was driving around with my friend Cynthis this afternoon (still getting to know the area) and we started talking about what things would be like in our lives if certain people we knew in the past were still a part of our futures. It was a wierd conversation and very briefly had us trapped in uncomfortable silence, then we saw two hippies fighting about the presidential campaign and were delightfully distracted. There are so many liberals over here. I am a strong believer in everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but these people are extremely loud with theirs! Any ways...I need some friends on sit to keep me interested in keeping this thing current, it is always nice to learn about the lives of other people. Well...think I might drive down to sidelines to see if I can meet up with some good beer drinking buddies...nothing to do tomorrow, might as well!
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