It's been a while since I have added an entry in here so I figured what better time than now! Well, lots of new and exciting things going on over here. I will be moving off of the Lost Coast in the beginning of April, I will be staying in Burney until August...then Rick and I are moving to Phoenix Arizona to go to Devry Technical Institute. We are enrolled in a 15 month program so that I can earn my business management degree and Rick can get his Moto-mechanics tech. degree. Then we will be moving back over here to the coast so that we can open and run our own Motosports business. Big dreams for little people. The thing is Rick is married and he will be leaving his wife behind to chase this dream, 15 months apart might break this marriage. That's why I am leaving in April, to give them some time together before we leave the state. It sucks in a way though, because I have to leave Cyndi behind I really like her. This has been a different type of relationship and so far nothing seems to need my self-sabatoge! Well...just wanted to keep you guys posted...I'll try to keep this thing updated even after I leave...remember everyone...dream big, failure is a part of life!
stop by my new sit anytime