Sooo Tired!

Jesus, I should be sleeping right now! I've got to start sleeping more...there's just never enough time in the day. Eddie and I played ball this afternoon at THS with some of the boys, it was a good workout...overdue I suppose. I watched "Crash" tonight with my girly roomates, it was a pretty good flic...I would recommend it to anyone who has trouble with racism! Something wierd has been on my mind lately, guess this is a good place to release it! A FRIEND: I have a good friend who is a few years younger then me, and every once in awhile this friend has to go through some trying times. I feel for this friend because I can remember going through similar experinces when I was a few years younger, I feel like I have good advice to offer, but at the same time I wish I could do more. This friend is very sweet and easy to connect with, in fact, this friend has helped me with some trying times in my own life which I am forever greatful for. This friend is someone who has been in my mind like a repititious whisper lately...I find myself thinking about this friend more and more. I care for this friend very much, but the tedious truth remains...This friend of mine is a friend who remains undiscovered. Not a friend that I can embrace, only pictures reveal your face, and yet, you are such a good friend! "Sometimes we crash into each other just to feel...something." Goodnight!
Read 4 comments
That's really sweet...
yeah...I have a three year old...if you scroll down on my entries you can see pics of him. I also have a six year old sister....they keep me busy. At times, I wish I waited...but I know where I would be if I didn't have him. And it isn't pretty....
wow that's sweet.. that friend of yours is lucky to have a friend like you who realizes how good of friends they are.. does that make sense? i just reread it and its confusing but im sure u know what i mean.. lol luv ya bunches!


"maybe someday.."
Your Hot wanna make out?