Listening to: The Ramones [what am i thinking? LoL]
Feeling: achy
So yesterday I played a pretty good golf game LoL. So yeah SOmething I hate--When people Bitch and COmplain about how bad their life is. I mean its not fair to them Because all they do is WOrry about what they dont have. Uhhhh anyways...
Yeah So Cole was like "HEy jessica"
And i was like "Hey..i see your wearing a shirt, Im wearing a shirt too...Lets go make out now!"
And he was like "Well Okay."
Fun Times.
Man I want Those damn shoes really really bad.
Im gonna get them.
'Fo 'Sho {Copyright->Emily}
Holla Back....
Jay Eee Ess Ess [Jess]
Woah thats rad!
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