To go back to where I was would just be wrong.

Listening to: RELIENT K
Somewhere back there I left my worries all behind. My problems fell out of the back of my mind. We're going and I'm never knowing where we're going. To go back to where I was would just be wrong. I'm pressing on. i dig this song its good and it describes exactly how i feel rite now. I have not updated in a while. A break was needed. I talked to Scott for a looong time last nite, it was good crazy times. Check out my My Space: I feel so Changed, but i come back and everything is...the same. Its like my peice was taken out of the Yellow puzzle and painted pink, then put back into the Yellow Puzzle. Do i need to change back? Or does my world need to change? Or, do i need to change my world? Oh gosh. i've needed to get all this out. Thank you for being here diary. Word to your mother --Jessica Leigh
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i dunno..its like im confused latly i have *new* friends..but i hung out with my old friends..and there not like me as much but i still care about them..and its like ive changed so much i feel like i was a yellow puzzle who is now ALL pink except for one yellow peice is still hanging on..

yeah almost famous. . . .the beatles too i guess
I freaking LOVEEEE that song! Relient K is awesome.