Only in dreams

I am dreading my orthodontist appointment. And i feel so so sick. its not good. But on a Happier note: After the Ortho we are driving up to marrettia and i am spending the night with Sara. And Cassidy is comming down too and she is spending the night with Sara will be one big party! Then Tuesday we are all going to White water where we are meeting up with Brett, Daniel, John, and maybe Scott. its gonna be crazy good times. i've got to go get all dolled up for the movies,,,, Yall have a good day now yah here. lol Holler at your girl _Jess
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niice clicky thing suurf naked haha that use to be my diary wooo i wanna surf naked sometime...haha im im gunna...

ps-i loooove your diary...nice music haha woo

hehe thanks...