sleep in your own bed, tonight

Listening to: tsl
i hate fighting. god damnit. i hate crying. i hate it when the person who cares acts like they don't. or maybe they really don't. i hate this. depression; i had it. got rid of it. now it's back. not for good. why do bad things happen when you are happy? my dad is dying. he has been dying. i've just been to selfish to worry or even care. he's in the hostbital. again. and i cant even be there with him. i love him. he is trying so hard to live, and here i am living like i am trying to die. i am a selfish childish whore. i am sorry.
Read 7 comments
im sorry your dad's in the hospital're not a dont say're a great person..i luv ya!!see ya at school monday..ttyl..

thank you darling. Angelina is a pretty little thing..<3 and i like you page a lot

xoxo <
aww dude thats not cool. you little meanie!!! you know he was a
sexy beatiful man
Is the 'why' Q EVER awnserd? Love your dad, thats all he needs.
hmm, i'm sorry you're having a hard time. i hope things get better soon. keep ya head up.

I know. but Bright Eyes is orgasmic.
you're not a selfish childish whore, you're just going through a bad time.

ask anyone else and they'll tell you depression and someone dying is not your fault.
