Being strong means being Heartless.

Listening to: Cauterize
Feeling: anxious
*ThE fReShMaN cHiLd Oh sO sHy* -LoNgInGLy WaTcHeS tHe SoPhMoRe GuY- *ThE sOpHmOrE gUy hEaD iN a WhIrL* -sTaReS aT tHe JuNiOr GiRL- *ThE jUnIoR gIrL iN hEr rEd SaDaN* -ChOoSeS tHe SeNiOr mAn- *ThE sEnIoR mAn hAnDsOmE & cRaZy* --SeCrEtLy WoRsHiPs ThE fReShMaN bAbY-- Hmmmm. LoL Maybe someone other than Blake will Appricate that. Well... Blake is In Orlando with the Band :( Awh. And I am Leaving for the beach on Monday right after my Golf Match. Yeah. I cant wait man. But my mom and my step dad are leaving for Flordia Tommrow. So My dad is coming tommrow and me and him are gonna hang out until monday then go to the golf game...THEN ITS OFF TO THE BEACH! Oooooh YEah. But it kinda sucks cause i wont be able to do anything with Blake over the break. Damnit. I can barley go 2 days without seeing him and Ive already been 4! Ahhhh. How am I going to Survive a week? I just need to go to the beach and focus on Beach stuff. Hmmmm, Surfing, Tanning, My bathing suit, Hott Guys walking by, the warm air, the warm water, the Jelly FIsh sting [I always get at least 2] lol Yeah. I'll be there soon enough. I'm So happy we have off today. Man. So me an My mom are going to Target, then to the nail place. Man Im just gonna be so prepared! hahah. Yesterday was soooo much fun at school cause there was a 'Multi-Cultural' Fair. And we went in like every class and ate food and danced to techno...why they had a DJ, I'll NEVER know. But they did. and we danced. hahah And then me and stephanie skipped golf. {We are such rebels lol} and we went to Publix and I wore those crazy sunglasss and we went to the Movie Place to rent movies. and we rented some. But then we got home. and we decided Just to Watch 'Girl, Intrupted' [one of my all time favorite movies] and we ate Peporoni Roll and then we ate Mint Choclate Chip Ice cream. Oooooh yeah man it was awesome. Stephanie Is just waay tooo freaking coooool. LoL Well I will be leaving now I do belive. Have a Supurb day! _Jess XoXoXoOxOxOx
Read 3 comments
well i don't remember what i put so sorry i don't know what to talk about. thanks alot i like the colors too i wanted to get more blue in with it but holding crap blah blah blah.
haha yes! Vendetta=beautiful. thanks, and i like your header picture... who is it? and where i can i get one of those? he's pretty.

jessica, i love you man,