yea. i don't even know. school is boring. i have absolutely no free time to practice piano, &when i actually do i'm freaking tired or william is on the phone and he doesn't wanna hear it. what else is new? i went to my grandmother's after piano today like i always do for dinner with my dad and guess who wasn't home? so i have no idea what happened because apparently no one felt the need to call kristin and say hey we aren't gonna be there. but again, what else is new? photography isnt even going well, my lowest grade. you must be joking. i can't think of ANYTHING. nothing. my mind is completely blank. or i just forget to take what i need to school with me. and yet again, another what else is new? i finally got myself to where stuff was making a little bit of sense, and then of course my insanely dramatic friends couldn't let it stay that way. bring on the complicated/confusing/hesaidshesaid drama. ick ick ick. it's just soo stupid. i'm so ready to get out of this highschool mess. i mean..shouldn't we be growing out of this by now? apparently not. i accidentally temporarily misplaced the thought that yesterday was mine and william's three month anniversary or w/e. i guess thats a big deal to him. didn't know. he calls "happy anniversary sweetie" sweetie says "whaaat? oh yea!" william gets angry. again. god. i can't seem to make him happy. tonight will be better. i haven't forgotten anything important for today. i don't think. and i get to see him this weekend. we'll fix it up. and tomorrow is a late start so i can get some much needed extra sleep. or maybe some time to practice that piano. hm.. but michael called and left a message.. something about breakfast. so i'll probably do that instead. might as well add getting fat to my long list of things i don't wanna do but i don't have the time to prevent it from happening. ahhh. why does everything have to be so freaking complicated? and yet again i'm venting on some site that like three people know about. and those three people probably don't even read it. and my knee is KILLING me. and my back is hurting. and i have a headache because this smart one hit her head on the wall sunday. dumb? yes. reason: ashley was over, kristin may have been slightly distracted. whatever. and i cannot remember how to put a freaking background on here and it's driving me absolutely insane. my undiagnosed OCD is acting up like crazy bad. i must be stressed. of course. and i'm going to stop now before i get even more frustrated at how many times i've had to backspace and now i'm thinking about how many typos i've probably missed. oh god. yea i'm out.
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