Loop ti loo

I saw Sammy for the first time in 2 and a half weeks today. I missed her loads! Honestly, I found really lonely when she was gone. She fucking abandoned me!!! Oh well, she's got a nice tan now. Much darker than me and I was darker than her before she left. I bought a cool earring for the top of my ear. Its lime green with a black ball. Its awsome! Dum ti dum ti dum... Im bored!!! Nothing much to say. Gooze bye xp
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fuck you, you fucking egotistical whore....rolls eyes....fuck you....I hope you burn in hell you fucking fucked up fuck.....fuck you....
Whoa, friggin'AWESOME Sitdiary. I love these comics. Ahhh, Squee.... My favorite psychopathic bear. :]