Today i awoke from one of "those" dreams, and found myself to be more sick. is that possible?. I was sick, then got better. Now I'm a whole different kind of ecky. oh well.
Got paid agian. woo! to bad i don't have anytime to spend all my free-lyong cash.
I'm thirlled up to the knees though!!. I finally get to see my lover. Gawd, it's been like forever. I called 'em today, he's at his dad's house. he put the phone up to Mitchy's ear and i said goodnight to him, he's so cute. then Jesse and i talked a while. We're getting together on monday, and I'm going to treat him to dinner and bowlin. ow!. except this time i'm going to remember dessert, because I'm not a gip like him. lol.
I miss everyone, esspecailly ang. I think that that little man magnet needs to spend some time on the jennifer fridge, so we can buy panties and look at plastic stomachs. K
.. did you know there's a "Central park" downtown?... I wanna go.
never heard of a central park