7 mins before I have to be back on the floor. The most interesting thing happened today, on the bus to work.
I was sitting there, watching this guy smoke a ciggarette. He walked back and forth, inhale exhale, maybe the occasional sip from his gold and bronze coffee cup. His clothes were all dishelved and off-put to one side.
I was fascinated by him.
So I took out my little book and pencil, and decided to sketch him out. Doddling away, I'm looking down. When I glance back up to he him. He's Gone! and walking towards me on the Bus. The Bus was pretty packed you see, barely anyseats left... Except for the one right beside me.
He sits down.
Gawd, did i ever laugh in my head. I wonderd, should I show him? what would he think?
After minutes of contemplation.. I pulled out my little book and pencil, opened up to the page And showed him.
We were talking about the time earlier, So showing him the steck I drew of him was just a "switch" of conversation, I guess you could say.
He laughed in this deep hearty voice, even drooled a little. Said I was very talented.
And asked if I was an artist.
"No.. well, not yet. I hope so, that's my dream."
"Well, you know those dreams, never stop following them. Or else you'll end up like me, And old, Poor, construction worker, taking the bus to work."
hmmmmm.... What a morning.
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