Oh, My Disease of Lies.

LOOK! Gross hey? Yeah, I'd agree. BIG GIANT FUKING BLISTER! Come on week End already, I've got fun to have. So today.. I came in early to try to catch that paper I'm to write on the French Radicals. Then, social class. And Spare, did virtually nothing. Lunch came, and saw "Datura" I sat with the gang, and Morgan came along too. (Her and riley have chatted, I've heard) They played wishes. Good one, koo-dos. And a new one I haven't heard. "On top of the World" real good. Says he wrote it after the Arcturian show. So I left my post lunch classes, and headed out. This is where I burnt my thumb. My eyes could see what I was doing, I remember thinking, "I know it's burning my finger, and I can feel it. But I'll be ok. Just breathe in." Played some dragon game, that kept falling over. Dinky day. HAHAHA, DINKus. All this, for a burnt thumb. No thanks.. It's like an alien on my digit. eww ahhh P.S. oh and fuk! I left my ring at Kalan's house.. see ya later ring. Bummer, hardluck
Read 3 comments
aW THAT actually looks so awesome haha. its cuz i like dragons tho. -tessa
hey you !
haha that was me