Shuckly Shame..

Listening to: Ghostwriter - RJD2
Without futhuring a day at school. A boring on at that! I sit at home, procrastinating getting ready for the job. oh work. Although, highlight of the day. In art I got a ultra-cool response from two kids I don't really know. Well, I breifly chatted with Keilan when he interviewed Nic. I showed Mrs. Davis the new peice I'm working on Keilan: that's insane! then theres another kid with Awesome hair, I love it. Super Poof. I think he's in band, plays the trumpet, real tall. Other kid: Yeah, that's so insane. ...something to that effect. But wow, I didn't know It got noticed. Me sitting back by the door, just doodling away. Bonus!
Yesturday, was a blast at the Arcturian thing.. I thought anyway. Today, not so much...

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