Listening to: Woozy - Faithless
So, it's Tuesday.
I just got home from work. Twas a good day. mmm. Leah's so adorable, I swear she's gonna make me laugh so hard one day that I'm going to pee my pants.
So now Out of no where, I have this Alcoholic Rep. From Rex - the busser. He always bugs me about being this so called "alcoholic who does speed at work. and how he found coke in my purse" FIBS! i tell you!. I mean sure it's just a kidding thing.
But he does it all the time now. He secretly hates leah though. oooh my.
Well Alfred has a much better nick name for me I'm "Picasso" ♥
mmm. Alfred's so cute. He freaked out today, because Leah messed up his hair. He like burst out "NEVA@! touch a GAY MAN's hair!" kinda scared me for a sec.
So I'm going to do a Painting of Steve Vai. For my portfolio project. All thanks to ryan from Career. Gawd I was so drawing a black. And nobody else was helpful. Anyways, so He suggested Steve Vai, Pretty swank. Now I can listen to him as I paint him.
As most of everyone knows now. Yes. Jesse and I broke up. No more Cowboy & Fish, I'm afriad.
But you know, life goes on. la de da.
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