Listening to: words in my head
i dunno what to write....i have nothing to write about really so here's a post of one of my poems... darn this is so old already but this is edited now...(and i'll edit this later on again..)
du umspielst meine haare
und ziehst die wolken
du leitest die wellen
und trägst mich mit...
schon wieder is mein herz gefangen"
oh wind woher bist du gekommen
und wohin liegt dein ziel
du verlässt mich hier shon wieder
einsam un allein
mit sehnsuch in meinen herzen
wann kommst du wieder
i cant translate it...sorry.. except for my favorite line (but badly done):
"again my heart imprisoned!"
hahah heart! darn! but i am not referring to love for love is just a word overly defined with words though words arent enough at all. well but it does lead to love maybe becuz i am talking about longing of something... hahah and they say "what you never had you cant miss" but i did miss something somehow and i dunno what and i made it an allusion with the wind and its well like can you ask the wind to stay? but i aint wishing the wind to stay. i want to fly with him. yea! and this poem is wirtten when i was 12 i guess and i wanted to fly! well i did fly and fell! hahaha but that was okey cuz now i can fly better, thankz to all of those who love me and believe in me and take me as i am and telling me straight what an arrogant selfish spoiled little brat i am. it is true and i love them too! :-)
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