Neon LoveMonkey

Feeling: annoyed
My buddy is going through a breakup and it is, to say the least, interesting. Anywho, I was cleaning my room last night before my friends came over, and I found a gift I got from an old girlfreind who lived in neon orange monkey. On top of that, I found a Simpsons comic book, my old pager, and a myriad of other childhood memerobelia. Nostalgia comes second only to love. -Jack B. Nimble
Read 4 comments
Neon monkey? sounds cute. You can be werid with us if you like. Take care.
Ugh your friend sounds like he's going thru the kind of break up I had. I hate it how people are so immature about break ups and such. Obviously, if you break up, you have hurt that person enough that you shouldn't go around tellin people lies and stuff about them.
that sucks! im sorry that your friend is going through that. me and my...person...are going through something. he has something stuck up his ass right now and its ripping me apart. its like im not suppose to feel things and when he does something im suppose to over look it.

but yeah, send ur friend my hugs and stuff...take care hun...and i love the entry name =)
Stephen you dirty tard... jk dood, have a rad night