Jubilation Station

Feeling: jubilant
Well, I promised Lex I would update. It hasnt been an interesting couple of days tho. I went shopping, got the worlds most comfortable pair of shorts ever. Some cool shirts, etc. If anyone wants to know what rich persons house looks like, take a gander at sheeponaleash's diary. NOBODY I KNOW has a personal gym in thier house. Well, school starts soon, and it is not exactly something I am wishing for...but it is no longer something to fear. Well, i got to go and look into a hair-cut. TTYL. -Jack B. Nimble, feeling jubilant.
Read 4 comments
i wish i had a personal gym in my house...all i have is a treadmill in the middle of living room...
ah well. take care
hey nice entry...lol. lmao on your comment. haircuts...i needa get one of those this week...blah i hated getting haircuts, the people always talk and screw it up because they aren't paying attention...i want a personal hair dresser. ah wouldn't that be nice.
no personal gym here, but i DO have one of those ab rollers in my closet. dude and i had this idea. it's too many letters though. ttyl.

hey what's up?

man you should've seen lexi's old house in tucson...and now i guess she has a new one...

lexi lexi lexi