Shitty Synonym

Listening to: DMB -
Feeling: silly
I felt like Feces all day today. I am defiitely sick, but yet I keep going to school. Am I THAT much of a nerd to go to school even when sick? NO.....i am just a devoted stage manager. Damn, I feel bad. School is going okay, but the brak will be GREATLY appreciated. Junior year is hitting me like an ambush from all sides with plungers. Plungers filled with concrete. And homework. P.S -I never got the chance to return that sweater Lois got me for christmas, so I left in on the dresser. It's probably past the 30-day warranty, but if you make a fuss they are sure to give you store credit. It's actually not a HORRIBLE sweater...I just cant imagine when i'd ever wear it..ya know? Also, I left a button on the dresser too. I just can never bear to throw a button away, because I know when I do, i'll find the garment it goes too and....ya know....could it have been from the sweater? did that sweater have buttons?....anyway, I should wrap this up before I start to ramble. Ta Ta. P.P.S. - You know, it might be a little chilly in london....I'm actually gonna take the sweater. -Jack B. Nimble, felling sick...physically.
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I hope u dont get hurt by dose plungerz even though dat would be funna id feel bad ~*Libby*~