Dear Friend

Listening to: Sense Feild -
Feeling: fedup
I am completely disgusted by high-school Relationships for that matter. Grades " ". Plays " ". Drama " ". Girls " ". It all seems so...trivial in the grand scheme. Straight A's and the lead in a play arent going to truly make many people happy. And true hapiness doesnt exist in High School. At least, we shouldnt expect it to. It seems every girl at school has been either deep-down somehow fucked up or taken or some BS. And this secret, which they tell nobody, is the reason that I can never get close to them. There is no normal. Hell, I am not normal. Also, I hate to see stuff happen that I cant protect against. Girls hurt, guys hurt, people making bad decisions, and I hate to be helpless. It's not that I want to shelter them either. Also, Mediocrity. Read "Wait....under where??...DAMMIT" for that one. Also, pressures. "When are YOU gonna have a gf??...How are your this report....HW not done again? Stage manager......dont do that....dont do this...why havent you done that....hurry up...slow down..." Quarter-life crisis, anyone???!?!?!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! And women!! It never works out for me!!!. I like a girl a lot, and then she cant like me bc ever since frosh year when something happened she cant trust again. I like this new girl and I guess that ever since she has started hanging out with more guys they all like her and that is supposedly why she has cut off from them all....Then one has a BF....then this one is this, that one is that.....FUCK IT!!!!. I need some time to sit outside and just let the quiet put the pieces of my life into place. But I cant....because of one reason or another I have now decided to cope and prove myself in this mixed up tornado of trivialities. "And while you see my soul flying in every dimension imaginable, even some that arent, remember that you just may be the stop sign." -Jack B. Nimble, feeling fed-up, mixed-up, "insert here"-up.
Read 7 comments
dude, i know how you feel. like to the point where i'm actually paranoid that u read my mind lol read mine, and i'll talk to u later.
I feel the same way exactly ~crazyme
Oh I agree completely.
Your diary is awesome...venting is good. And high school will forever be bad ;)
Thanks! the scheme took me about 5 seconds, but whatever lol
Yeah. I'm liking the monkey.
I change mine very often, pretty much whenever I'm bored. : )
awwz hun im sowwies u feel dat way *big hug and much luvinz* hope thingz work out ~*Libby*~