I've lost my forte

Listening to: Big Sty
Feeling: damned
It has been a while. Well, senior year has been stressin me a little so I haven't necessarily had much time for Sit. My life has been in a gray area lately. I have a hard time telling if I am happy or not, and if i'm not then I never know why. I'm looking for the carefree days I miss and all I keep finding is another deadline and another slap in the face. I think the future needs to calm down, take a breather, and let me slide by unnoticed. Matter of fact, I dont even know why I feel stressed. Looks like I am past the time I could come home and update Sit, play some videogames, and maybe take a nap. Now it's homework, study, chores, etc... Damn, I guess I did have something to say. Talk about a once-in-a-while shine. .Steve
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heh heh.
i wanna be a senior =(
Hey Steve. I totally know how you're feeling!!! I thought senior year was going to be this magical time full of laughter, and the best times of our lives...I was thoroughly dissapointed.