Wait...under where?...DAMMIT

Feeling: confuzzled
Ever felt like there is something missing from your life?...I dunno maybe its the fact that it is 12:15 at night, but I feel like all I am doing is waiting for something. Waiting for something big to happen...to shake up my whole life. Its as if that is all my life has been. Just sitting in the waiting room doing measly tasks until my name is called. And, i dunno, maybe it isnt adventure or action...just something different. I am tired of having restrictions in life. I am tired of not fulfilling my self in every sense of the word. Not just stopping to smell the roses, but the whole damned garden. The thing is I have no idea what I am waiting for. I have never been able to see myself as the middle class citizen like I can most of my friends. Then again, whats to stop me from conforming to a life of mediocrity? Who is to say i wont end up working in a cubicle with a white picket fence and 2.6 kids? That uncertainty is a question that has plagued many at one point or another. Some turned to religion, others to the army...trying to find meaning for their life , when all I want is to be...no longer waiting. Weither it be love or hate, life or death...something is going to shake me out of this shell...this BORING reality and one day I will no longer be headed into uncertainy. But, until then... "We are all lost in the chasm of oppertunity that is our destiny." -Jack B. Nimble
Read 7 comments
Steve...that was quite possibly the deepest thing i have ever seen/heard thats come from you...and pretty damn close to the deepest thing overall...thats freakin cool man
Steve.. That was really deep. WOW! I'm proud.. considering the fact that just like a day ago, me you and scott were watching cartoons all night! So, considering that, that was deep. But don't worry, you're still the funniest kid around!
your diary kicks ass.
loves the monkey
hehe. pennywise is great. :)
awh man its kinda lyk a deja vu feeling...but not. i totally get ya though. but hey its a pretty deep entry.
i feel like that a lot. But, then I get to talk to my fiancee. It's alright, i promise. Things will look up for you =/ chin up, buddy...