Application Zero

Listening to: Good Charlotte -
Feeling: wet
Well, I almost could have had a much worse night than I did. I almost could have had no night at all. Long story short, me and the boys were driving around town when, making a left turn, we almost got t-boned. It was rather.... eye-opening. The only thing to go through my mind in the silence of the ride home was the look on everyone's faces if I were gone. Thats what scared me the most. Also, I know I need a job soon....and I think the discovery channel store would be a blast. We went there today to get an application, so we'll see if Steve is joining the work force sometime soon. Later loves. -Steve
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MY luv.. im gald that everyone is alright.I would be very sad if anyting happend to any of you...
Hope you get that job Good luck -Me