
So my life has been interesting lately. Fluctuates between two states. Sort of like a light switch. At one moment i'll feel completely overwhelmed. Case in point: mondays. This coming monday will be the second in a row that I have a paper due. That, plus a journalism story and such, makes for a school-to-be-blamed rush that I dont like. The other times, i have fun and feel free. Like tuesday night, dinner with Katie then hanging with her back in her dorm room. And today, where I hot atomic comics with Scotty and just sat around most of the rest of the day. Other than that, I find myself enjoying the weather and writing a little bit every night. Nothing really wrong with that. This update came expressly from my desire to please Jill. So if anyone else reads it, which I admit I dont see happening, feel free to thank her. .Steve
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lol *hugs* thanks steve!