shameful heritance

Feeling: disappointed
"We are a cancer," a guy told me this week, "We will kill Earth and ourselves..." Then he told me the most beautiful story of my life about sorrow, misery and genocide awaiting for us in the futur. The story was about a future where the sky is green, where downstairs is a few kilometers in the ground and where a race always finds a way to cause war. This most cherished story is our future. As we lay in our death bed, eyes closed to the truth. Beating hearts ignored, love dismissed. Time will not set us apart. We kill our best friends, why not our enemies? Will we want to inherit this story? Are we so caught up in ourselves that we don't think about our future as a race. Stupid Humans. Less complexe of all species, why are we so predictable? As we live everyday seeing our rightful heritance being trashed by our ancesters, we shall mourn the lost and the one that will be lost. Now I wonder is there any good cancer? So, shortly, I ask: Would you and a companion repopulate the future Earth if you were the only survivors after what we're seing right now? i certainly wouldn't.
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