archimedes shouts eureka!

Feeling: despondent
i like night time with the accompanied feeling of drowsiness. the warning of an upcoming dream, as your eyelids get heavy and heavier, and pencil in hand you fight back the dormant state to explore ideas of your subconscious. you pass through many doors and pencil in hand you write down the path your mind wonders until it leads you to the perfect place. there are no words to describe that place but just a feeling; as your pupils get smaller, your heart beats faster and faster, the movement of your hand does the same. your eyes close to meet your mind in that place to seek for a person. that person, which many people have given many different names, is the catalyst for the euphoric moment that only last for a brief second when creativity is thrown your way to stimulate your blank paper to get filled by her whispers. but as soon as she presents herself, she disappears to bring out the seeker of greater things in you. she is truly beautiful— inspire.
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