an innovator sees improvement by change when no else does;

Feeling: nostalgic
feeling a bit uneasy by walking down the street with a pack of papers in my arms. a heavy bag that i felt in love last week was causing me pain from its heaviness. yet, my mind didn't care about these little problems. the road was full of people like it usually was but i didn't notice these people, i just perfectly waltzed right through the crowd like a dance memorized in the depth of my natural instincts. i was in another world, looking up to the sky not noticing the couple making out where they thought they were alone, the mom screaming at her children to stay near or even the handsome boy who tried to capture my attention for vending purposes. ideas were flowing through my mind: what was i going to do next? should i hide my feelings for the other one? i will tell him that i dont feel that way about him. will that ruin our friendship? my dreams will hopefully end... i can't stand this anymore! "be careful of what you wish for..." this isn't good. what hapened to the other one? did he like me or was i paranoid? it simply wasn't meant to be...right?!?! on and on these thoughts were recycled only to be perverted and exagerated, however i kept walking the busy streets. this story is all fiction and real at the same time. humans often imagine alternate lives for themselves and then built alternate endings to relieve their minds of the hardships we face in life, and this is exactly what i was doing. we are afraid of our genuine feelings simply because they are true. i'm not afraid to admit that i run from the igniting fire but walk right through the fire when it's at its blazing. it's ridiculous how the world seems so simple when we use metaphors, sometimes i think i abuse of this power and i start to be selfish. i want to change the world the way i want it to be and even if my intentions are for the best, it's selfish to want change just because i see a need for it. i should let things evolve...they tend to always work out the best way they can, and beyond. you see, i'm no innovator, i just see things differently.... suddenly, my papers blew out of my hands because of the strong northern winds and i let out a scream, i was out of my mind! now that i'm back inside, i pick up my papers and i start to believe that i must continue my want, my need, and exploit my power for change. i kept walking, but now a bit faster. i walked into an old man by accident on my way to the world. i said sorry, smiled, made sure he heard me, and was okay and kept walking on my yellow brick road that was unseen by others. he kept walking his way and thought: "teenagers theses days aren't completely lost." i smiled inwardly, for this story made no sens at all...and so does life, love and death.
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