a snooze is silent —save our star-crossed souls

Feeling: destroyed
i was dancing at my friend's house party and having fun with our friends. as the alcohol was going to my head, my laughter augmented and through all the smiles of the night, an electric attraction got created between, not one but, two guys. the first one, very muscular and good looking. "which isn't really my type," i thought, but then again i don't remember having any type so i brushed that idea aside. when he came to talk to me, i was baffled because, as i was getting to know him, i couldn't believe i was his type. we went to rival schools and he made sure to mention it many times which kinda made me uneasy. we were both studying to be engineers and he was über nice. we shared a drink, continued the small talk. he told me that he'd like to dance with me but instead of doing so, i went upstairs. "i'm so bad with guys, this never happens to me," i thought as i went up the stairs with a feeling of semi-euphoria and semi-doubt. i couldn't deal with the idea that he might actually like me and i supposed that i wasn't really into him and, to this day, i still don't know if i simply liked the idea of him because it all seems so unreal. i also realized that i might have a type and the second guy might just be that. he was my friend's boyfriend's brother. he studied psychology in an university out of town, about six hours away. he was über nice and polite. we danced, we talked for a while and he made me try a drink of his concoction. it's needless to say that it was amazing an time with him. i thought he was cute but the whole night i was afraid that i got the wrong signals. he made me so self-concious. at around the end of the party we all talked, by that i mean his friend was included. shy as i am, i couldn't ask or mention that i'd like to see him again. "it was nice to me meet you and i hope i see you next time you come around," i told him nonchalantly before leaving. that night, my dad came to pick me up. on the road to my house, i couldn't stop thinking about him and how he somewhat reminded me of matthew, my best friend, then came the thought that maybe those feelings weren't shared and my heart dropped as i closed my eyes on my pillow. i never slept so well.
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