if i told you this was killing me would i stop?

Feeling: intellectual
i wrote my heart out but it took so long for these ideas to come on this screen that i forgot to save as it came like a fast and LONG train. i just couldn't manage to type fast enough for it to make sens and keep track of time. i knew better, too many times has this hapened to me! i was just being careless, a habit of mine lately. its a shame, i just hope there's meaning being this... i can only blame myself.
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artic monkeys! : )
j'ai aucune idee ce que je voudrais faire dans ma vie ou plutard dans l'ecole. Maintenant, je suis dans un program qui s'appele "Les Arts et la Cutlure." Je serai terminer avec ca l'an prochain. Est-ce que tu seras ici pour l'ete?!
There is nothing wrong with thinking; thinking helps us grow, helps us make change in ourselves. Sometimes we can think so hard that we get alittle lost, but well.. to be honest I think that will happen, it's natural. But it's just as great when you can go through a day and know that you haven't really needed to think about anything.. because everything has flowed perfectly like how you would have wanted it to.

And being self conscious...
..well, that's understandable. We have to question ourselves sometimes, but think of it as just being aware of any changes that may need to take place. You sit idly and sometimes we will start to be avoiding changes that we should be aware to make in life to better ourselves off.. you know?

The most important thing however, is that despite being aware.. you be happy.. it's not for anyone else to make that judgement of your own self worth..
unless you've given them reason to like I said before. Otherwise if a change needs to be made.. you do it on your own accord and be happy otherwise. Being who you are filters through all the people who will judge you. You end up with all the people who will love you as a friend or more without question.

And as for helping people however impossible it may seem. I'm quite touched by this quality in you. It's really selfless of you and beautiful.
Just remember.. that sometimes we need to have our own heart looked after also. Sometimes it's ok to put yourself first. There are people who can look out for you in the same way you look out for others.

Sorry if I've rambled in these comments, lol.

Keep Cheerful and have a beautiful weekend :-)
Dream a beautiful dream :-)
Ps.. you do have that quality in your writing. I've read your entries.. your words come from the heart too. I enjoy writing about such things though.. it's beautiful to write about love and such.