not enough sleep

Listening to: slipknot - duality
Feeling: sinful
my tummy hurts. and tonya doesnt believe me. she left with out saying goodbye. and is being mean. i'm upset. she made me feel guilty for being sick. i dont like this. i did the dishes cause i was bored. i'm gonna try and sit down and hope i feel better. it's very unpleasent. i wrote a new song today, it's good. bye bye.
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happy one year.

and lay on your right side. it always makes your stomach feel better. or at least for me?
i didn't not believe you, i was just in a bad mood..i'm allowed to have one of those arent i? i guess i was being a bitch when i made you hot tea?
hey, um, I'm sorry about all the shit I stirred up out of a misunderstanding, and for calling u fat. I don't really hope you die or whatever the fuck I said... Sorry about Sword, too.
hope u get better!