forever and a day

Feeling: chillin
it's been so long since i've been able to get on, mostly cause the fucking website is always down. whatever. so new updates, tonya is moving in the apartment in my basement, but it needs alot of work so we've (well, mostly her) been working on it alot. her dad is helping too. my job aint so bad anymore, but i still wanna get a new more betterist job. but i might wait until they are done paying for my college, i can be done in a year or less, so i will be done in a year or less. i should be in class right now, but i'm so far ahead in my one class that i i didnt need to go at all this week, but i'm going to go two out of the three days, and my other class we are getting the homework assignment today, but i can just download it and do it here, it should only take me about half an hour. tonya and i's relationship has went from good to ba.... great... hell yeah, i got you. i gotta clean my room, do my laundry, and feed myself today so i'm kinda busy, i was just online doing my banking and checking the minutes on my phone, i'm trying to download some songs for tonya, but i cant seem to get this one song by the doors, no big loss to me the doors were a boil on the ass of society, but she wants it which means i must deliver. i'm the bread winner. i wear the pants in this relationship, tonya just tells me which pair to put on. welppy delppy i gots to go... ppy
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