alright, who's next

i have no clue what to write about. nothing really has been happening. just playin alot of dynasty warriors 4 and downloading a bunch of porn that i then delete cause my girlfriend's better ;) saw a couple movies, mainly alien vs predator. liked it. it was cool. and the grudge. story sucked but it freaked me out. which doesnt say much because everything freaks me out. cause i'm a wuss. my car is deciding not to start again. and this guy was supposed to help me fix it today cause i dont know jack aboot cars, but alas he has not called me and i can plainly see he's not home cause he lives across the street. so i dont know when that's gonna get fixed. i hate my job and yet i love me job. but i think i want to get a normal job, like 9-5 or better yet 8-4 but i think i'm gonna go be a cook at red robin or damon's grill. so that would be like 11-5 or so. i could do that 4 days a week or so. depending on how much money i'm making. i was thinking about going up to tower city tomorrow, but with my car not working i'm probably not gonna go, and it's such a long drive. but i need to go up and get the tape of my old bands concert, and three of my cds, plus my milli vanilli cassette tape and to see my peeps diag and kreamer. you know how we do. i'd like to take tonya up with me, but she works so much and so hard i dont think she'll have time. alright, well i've gotta get dressed and go read for a while. peace out bitches.
Read 10 comments
green and pink is hot

nice choices
hello ;)
cool diary
just stumbled across your "cute vs. hot" entry. i enjoyed it. i'm a girl, i like curly hair, and if it's not curly i like it shaggy. i think...
blue eyes are really hot, but so are really green or hazel ones. brown eyes are pretty cute too. hmm, stick thin is weird, average size is cute, a..
little chubby isn't bad. i guess there's a lot of things that can make someone cute..or hot. i think that if someone has a good personality then...
they're beyong hot. haha, random comment, i know. have a nice day :)
p.s. i know u wrote that forever ago, i just felt the need to comment now.
haha i don't wanna be ready for life! I wanna be 12 again! haha, have a nice day..