wah da wah waaaaaaahhhhh

yep, i'm currently diggin coheed and cambria. they are really good, just some (alot) of there songs annoy me. tonya showed me a video of us from like two years ago, back when we were so in love. i miss it. but livin together changes alot. and havin a baby, yet, of course i'm longing for those days. and it's also when i weighed 180 pounds, i lookes so skinny. i need to get back down. you should see how much i loved her, you can see the way i look at her. of course one reason i dont anymore is because anytime i do, she goes "what are you looking at, what are you up to?" i'm thinking of giving up bass because i just cant find people to play with. i mean, john and i rocked and were good, but all he wanted to do was play covers and he wasnt much of a song writer. and the last people i was playing with just wanted to get drunk or stoned, so fuck that. i need some people with similar beliefs and people who are at least at my skill level, i mean i'm not that good, but i can keep time and everything. i've dealt with a couple people who were just horrible, like, they shouldnt have been playing. basicly i need fish to come back and start a band with me. and then we need a drummer, or guitarist, depending on what fish plays, or he could play bass and i could play guitar, which ever. or i could try to find people who are even closer to my tastes i want a band that sounds like the illegitamate love child of fallout boy and bleeding through. hi ho hi ho, to championship i go off to find some people like me
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i know, i wish we were still "so in love" too, what happened? i guess i realized how much of an asshole you are and you realized how big of a bitch i am.