god fucking shit

Listening to: brand new
Feeling: paranoid
god, i'm almost ashamed to be straight edge anymore. it's turning into such bullshit. there is this sudden rise of fucking militant kids that are all like. lets go beat up kids who arent straight edge. and it's like even beyond bad. i mean it's not beating up druggies, it's just kids who arent the same fucking label. and that is prejudice my friends. all these fucking little hitlers with the X on their hand. it sucks. then there are the other kids that are like "if you arent in the fucking pit every friday and saturday night, you arent edge and you're a pussy" and the fucking kids that are like "you can only listen to hardcore" fuck that. i love the pit, and i love hardcore, but i love not being injured because i have a son on the way. i cant go to every show. and like i wanna stand next to these kids that are acting like that. fuck it. man, and i love emo, numetal, metal, melodic, country, rap. all that shit. it's great. i dont need to conform to you. i dont have to have vans slip ons to be hardcore. i used to wear them in 3rd grade and got made fun of, so what the fuck. i was hardcore before you knew what it was i guess. fish was right man. i'm loud and i'm proud. i will always say i'm edge, and i will fight for the way it should be. how should it be? well i'll tell you fucking why for my self for my friends for my family forever i'll take this to the bitter end all you fucking "holier then thou" kids that think you're edge, you're not. edge is about friendship, family, togetherness. and in this sense it is a good thing. dont corrupt it. or it becomes exactly like the government that all you punk asses (punny arent i) say you are against. and i now have an argyle sweater vest, so you know, this is a record of that. so when that comes into fashion, just know, i was ahead of the trend. just like wearing your collar up and not tying your shoes. so i will always scream fuck you i'm edge
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i'm glad you're thinking of not getting hurt...your family needs you!