cute vs. hot

Feeling: serene
i just held the "s" key down for a while and i let it go to determine my mood, i guess that's what i am. i figured i'd try and ask some people about what they thought, cute girls or hot girls, or for the ladys, cute girls or hot girls. i was just wondering, what does everyone think is cute, what does everyone think is hot. do you prefer cute or hot, what's goin on. as for me, well here we go. physically, red heads are cute, blondes are hot, brown hair is cute, black is hot. curly hair is cute, straight hair is hot. green eyes are cute, brown are hot, blue eyes are cute, hazel is hot. small ears are cute, no ears is not. b cups are cute, c cups are hot. d cups, probably neither, unless they work, a cup, why were a bra? chubby tummy girls are cute (within reason) flat tummys are hot. ripped abs are nasty. girls who are chubby but think they should get a belly ring and wear belly shirts are called trailor trash. big butts are cute and hot. small butts suck. thick thighs are hot. skinny thighs are cute. thick calves are gross, skinny calves are hot. almost all toes are gross, send me a picture if you want yours judged (that's a joke people), long hair is hot, medium hair is cute, short hair can go either way, or can go "lesbian" lets go on. the brains. bubbly girls are cute. smart girls are hot. dumb girls are annoying. sad girls are hot. depressed girls are hot. even tempered girls are cute. loud girls are dumb. i cant think of much else. lifestyle, dress, etc... preppy girls are cute, skater girls are hot. sporty girls are cute, gothic girls are hot. original girls are cute, confident girls are hot. druggies are disgusting. girls who are full of themselves are disgusting. thats about all. i think thats all. so anyway, incase your wondering. my girlfriend is physically more cute, but mentally more hot. and that's just the way i like it. and incase you cant tell, i have no life while tonya is at work. i wrote a short story today, but i think it sucks. i downloaded some songs and shit, got new face wash at the store. the usual errands. so i'm gonna be gone now. later.
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i've been asked the difference between the two before... and i've never really even tried to figure it out to an extent as you have... but it is very interesting to see what you consider hot and cute