[*22*] I deserve to die

Listening to: none
Feeling: smart
OOOKKKKKKKK..... The dance. It was fun for the most part. But I did something really stupid---ONCE AGAIN!!! I swear I need to be shot. So Brock and I danced for like EVER...and the last song was a slow one you know...and I knew he was trying to kiss me, but I wouldn't let it happen...I like Robert too much. LIKE WAY TOO MUCH!! So it ends and I look up and smile to say "Thanks" and he kisses me!!! DAMN IT!! I was sooo close to being good at that dance!!! You would think I had learned my lesson after making out with Bryson, but did I??!?! NO!! I tried tho!!! I really did, and I stopped Brock before it got to make-out status!! SO afterward I was thinking...Maybe Brock and I could work out...cause I'm getting over Robert... ------> Oh how wrong I was. <------ I went to go get my shoes and Robert comes up to me and grabs me, pulls me close to him, and our noses are touching. I fucking melted I swear. SO much for me being over him. I really need to talk to Brock, cause I don't know if he likes me?? or if he just had a good time dancing and decided to kiss me??? or if he just felt like kissing some one and I happened to be there??!?! Dah, I'm so screwed up right now, it's not even funny. I need help. *linds
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ok, if ur supposed to be withone of them, thne it'll happen, so does shit, it sok. Dont worry abou it. ~kiefer