[*36*] UGH

Feeling: crestfallen
*Sigh*....today just wasn't good. First, I wake up late, and get yelled at by my step-dad...again. But what's new? So that's was just kinda normal I guess. I'm actually not late for the bus today, but as I get off, I trip, and this dumb-ass Mexican kid starts to laugh at me. But screw him. SO I go to school and my classes are kind of blah. Just....not interesting. Then lunch comes and I'm having an okay time. Bryan comes near and doesn't even say hi, and he txt'ed me like "Are you mad? How come you didn't talk to me?" OMG, just because I don't say hi I'm mad at him? Whatever. So I'm havin fun hanging w/ Kiefer and Jordi...then I remember I'm supposed to be studying for my test. But I don't have time anymore so I'm just like o well. Then Kiefer walks me to my locker and I can't open it. I ahte my locker. So Kiefer opens it for me, thank God. Then I go to Algebra 2 AND FAIL MY TEST. I actually failed, I'm not just saying that. That sucks cause now I have like a C- in that class. Prewitt's gonna kill me. Then I go to water polo 6th period and suck majorly. Now, my eyes hurt, I'm late for vocal rehearsal, and I have a cramp in my calf and it burns. Save me. *linds
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