[*20*] *~.THANK YOU.~*

Feeling: thoughtful
That song is so appropriate right now. But anyways..I love my friends...THEY ARE THE SHIT! So yeah, all that crap I wrote about earlier...I'm over it. Well - okay, getting over it. But I'm almost there. Sexy dance - sexy dance - sexy dance - what the HELL????? - sexy dance!!! ~Sorry, that was for Matt. But yeah, lately life has been really ....MONOTONE-AS IN BORING. I've been trying to have sugar so I can liven things up a bit...but I need to stop that. I'll be insane during lunch then completely crash in 5th period. And by 6th I am ready to go home and sleep. I need fruit. Did you know that an apple gives you more energy than a cup of coffee? Well, you learn something new everyday don't you! So yes...(O god I sound like Bryan) I'm just livin life at the moment, getting through school and polo, listening to Old-School Usher(YEYA KIM!) Hah. But okay time to go. I love you all! *linds
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L3, you truly are beautiful your guy is out there, you just gotta go and find him. well i love you so much and we need to hang out more alright? Ya lay off the sugar, cuz if you look at me, you can see the consequences of eating it 24/7...hahhaa Luv ya... J3