[*203*] you know what i want and i got what you need

decided against the nose peircing. it's not really me. i WAS gonna get my cartilige at the top of my ear peirced, but decided against that too. and THEN i was gonna get a fourth hole, but I was just like fuck it i don't want to. so i fucked up my leg and couldn't play in any of my games this tournament which was fucking lame. it sucked so bad. jasmine got ejected, hah. that's fun. it was hot as hell up there. 112 in the afternoon and then like 95 during a thunderstorm. who does that? we were talking about baby names today and still really like paris logan for a girl. and then I decided i'm naming the younger girl (cause i will have 2) Audrabella, because I like the name Audrey and the name Isabella, so I combined them. Go me. I still don't have a middle name yet. Or a boys name. there's only a month of summer left and it's amazingly depressing. but senior year will be chill so it's okay. we were talking about hell today too. (we were contimplating what would happen if we died, considering we had to play during part of the thunder storm{LIGHTNING}. we decided we would get AT LEAST 4 pages in the yearbook next year. hah.) Jasmine was talking about No Exit which she read for Levin's class last year and how hell was you locked in a room with people you absolutely hate and/or can't understand. hah. I know who'd be in my room. talked to kiefer on the phone last night. i miss that kid. he's being gay about a couple things but it's chill, i want us to be able to hang out again. alright, I'm going to roast marshmellows. call me.
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