[*105*] Jobs...

Feeling: discouraged
Okay so I have a dilemma. I have a job at the new pool on Kimball when it opens as a desk clerk. Which should be really easy. I will get $7.00 an hour. That'sokay for my first job I guess. But my brother just got a job at Coldstone. And they're looking for more people. He gets $7.50 an hour plus tips. And free ice cream. (When the manager isn't there. Which she never is according to him.) SO I'm like...should I apply for COldstone? Or stick with the pool. I think I'm gonna stay being a desk clerk cause I already went through all the stuff for it and no position is garunteed at Coldstone. Oh well.
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Dude, either one will be rad. I could come see you at your work at the pool, cuz i live right there, but if you worked at coldstone, you could/damn better give me ice cream.<3