[*72*] Finals

Finals today weren't bad. English and water polo. English kinda sucked cause there was like no way to study for it but oh well. i think i did pretty well actually. 30 multiple choice questions and an essay. Then water polo came........i wasn't really looking forward to two hours on the pool deck w/...certain people. But i survived. It got kinda awkward at the end there but not too bad i suppose. i just gotta deal with it till it blows over. it did last time, so hopefully the same thing will happen now. its all my fault once again, cause i can never seem to do anything right. but no one ever gives me 2nd chances so wutever. its over and im over it. thats just the way it is. so i went to bryans house after school today. funnn stuff. i love listening to him talk Spanish. and then he went all crazy on hios guitar for jordi and me. he is soo freaking good i'm jealous. i wish i could play drums like that, all fast and cool-sounding. hopefully, i will eventually. ummm yeah then he attacked me w/ his Axe spray so now i smell like him and it smells really really good. then like after we dropped jordi off at her house he was driving me home, and he wanted me to take off my sweater cause he liked my shirt...so he rolled up all the windows and turned on the heater full blast. Holy crap it got hot. but he finally turned it off cause he couldn't handle the heat. but yeah, so that ws my day. not very exciting but meh, nothing really is anymore.
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hey lindsay, i hope everything gets better for you. it probably will. dont talk yourself down. if ppl wont give you a second chance, then theres no way in hell i'll ever get one! haha. finals are easy this year huh? gosh what is up with that? crazy. your days are better then mine. i miss you (in a non sexual way) we should hang out when we are free. which is like never. maybe soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3 ya