[*198*] don't hold back

Alright. Nice try. So Jasmine is officially my favorite person in the world. I had a longgggg in-depth talk with her about like everything in my life. Here's what we came up with: -Kiefer. I'm always gonna love Kiefer. It's a fact. But that doesn't mean I'm IN love with him. I'll always care for and be concerned about him, but that part of my life is over and we've both moved on. -James. She's not gonna let me screw it up. I found myself seceretly trying to sabatoge it because I was scared. One because it's completely different than my last relationship. Two, because he's pretty much perfect for me and I began to think it was too good to be true. Three, because I'm an idiot. -Family. I need to make ammends with my step-dad. Sure, he's a fucking asshole, but he did do alot for me while I lived overthere, and I need to start being a less selfish, more considerate person. My mom and I need to be closer, but both of our schedules are kind of hectic. -School. Not worried. Easy classes (for the most part) next year.... we'll make it fun eventhough our English teacher looks like a giant penis. -Friends. I'm not gonna worry anymore if some one likes me or doesn't like me. And I'm not gonna be nice to those people who are bastards to me. So fuck you jordi holden. you're an immature, attention-loving whore who has the least amount os self-control and self-respect I've ever met. Sorry to those you who like her, I just hope her sluttiness doesn't rub off on you. -Cynicism. I've been very cynical lately. Well. Sometimes. I need to stop worrying about all the shit I can't change. And just let myself be happy. Wow, what a thought. -My room. James went with me and bought me paint so we're gonna start painting... today? Maybe. Jasmine is gonna help and it's gonna be fucking awesome. Moulin Rouge theme, all the way. -Paris/London. Going to be the time of my life. Natasha and I will reunite and Chris will be there and we'll have a ball. I am o-so-excited. AH! Like 5 months 'til we leave. -RENT. TOMORROW!!!!! OMG OMG OMG. Can't wait. I'm gonna die of happiness. Need to go shopping, get a dress. Maybe. I don't know. Shoot! Okay, whatever, it will be fine. -Water polo. I am so much more dedicated this year and I love it. It makes me happy. Sure, it's hard work and blah blah blah, but it makes the sport so much more enjoyable. -Summer. Yeah, it's busy. But hey, I get to see everyone I need to right? I played baseball with Matt and the drama guys(Clay, Nick, Dan, Christian, Martin, Jason, Derek, and Mark) and had a blast. Christian and I had the sweetest double play. So as much as I complain about having no time to do anything, it's not true, Heck, James and I have hung out every day since July 4th, so I must have SOME free time. Okay, I think this entry is long enough. So long.
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